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Emdiharis/moharris, 68 y.o.
Batu Pahat, Malaysia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree
UTM Malaysia


Pensioner/Assistant Engineer

Joined 4 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2021
You are welcome Dear..When are going back to Sarawak.
inactive user
Hello sir, how is Malaysia nowadays? I miss travelling to Malaysia again, many places I havent visited. I have been to KL, Kuching, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor Bahru to visit family. My mom's families live in Malaysia (half Javanese half Malaysian - Sarawak). Wish you a good day, and stay healthy
Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2020
Waalaikum salam... Aaaah really? I looks like a Chinese lady?
Yes... My face looks like Chinese lady but I don't have white skin like Chinese lady... Hehehe...
Btw... My grandma and grandpa have Chinese blood... Hehehe...
Salam dari jakarta juga... 🙏🙏🙏
inactive user
Hi Salam juga
inactive user
I visit malaysia often sir, its not far from Jakarta
inactive user
Wa'alaikummussalam....thanks visit my profile
inactive user
hahaha you're right
it's from the second syllabel of my first nama and the first syllable of my last name
hope to meet nice people here
thank you
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