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9ang, 35 y.o.
Xi’an, China [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 109.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 22, 2013
Sorry I don't know any information. You can try here.
inactive user
hi! I don't have any information for homestay in San Jose, but I have been there. No matter where you stay in San Jose, there's public transportation everywhere. Everything is easy to get to. There are also really nice surrounding towns, like Campbell and Milpitas
inactive user
Yeah I'm ok thanks. Do you use Yahoo or Skype? PM me if you want to add for chat :)
inactive user
inactive user
How's it going?
inactive user
ni hao
inactive user
Hello, nice to see you too:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2010
ofc i remember you ^^
im home from school today because of sickness :(
how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2010
no i havent :'(
inactive user
yeah I know it's difficult.. I heard Korean is much easier to learn so that's why I started learning Korean :P
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