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AndyChang, 30 y.o.
Taipei, Taiwan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 321.
inactive user
happy birthday :)
inactive user
Linkin Park Ftw. *Q*
inactive user
哈哈哈 AndyChang
機測完那短時間很迷 Mike Tompkins <333
他自己會做b box 喔 ^^

然後就用光所有機會再也改不回來了現在...= =....
inactive user
幹什麼你的狀態 o.O 你戀愛啦....!!
inactive user
yes i'm grade 10 but at 治平 , err that school sucks ! :/
oh okay , i don't know haha sorry :P 我不追星啦 哈哈 不好意思喔
inactive user
i knew it ! haha
well nope , more often on facebook and skype .
ok, i'll add you on fb .
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2012
sorry too late to receive you...北京大学is a great college..but i think my study is not,i can't....
today,because in summer holiday,so i feel a little bored...But at home,i like a housewife...clean room,cook meal...^_^
inactive user
Haha don't worry about it lol , just give me your id then ;)
awwww you're so sweet Andy , thank you ^^ yeah i made tha song myself , for my friends <3 well my friends told me so too haha , but actually that was because ..err i just broke up o.O so that's why.

and i don't know lol sorry maybe tell me her chinese name ?
還有我發現你的制服怎麼好像壢中的啊 ? 呵呵
inactive user
haha really , cool x) aww :/ sorry .
yea~you bet ! haha
yup xD for dinner and shopping as well :P
oh well i used to , but now no :((

and hey do you got skype or facebook ? it's easier to talk on that .
inactive user
hiii , i'm amy , err i'm from taoyuan too actually haha , but i couldn't find taoyuan on interpals o.O
And thank you Andy ! how about you ?^^
well i'm going to 大江 later :P , how was your day ? :)
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