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Brahmahendra, 32 y.o.
Madiun, Indonesia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2009
yo'i tapi yo gak sering2 nemen
inactive user
wah ket bien aku ganteng e
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2009
Coool , nice name ^^
Im fiiiiiiiiine thanks what about yah ?
inactive user
India is one of the oldest civilization­s in the world, spanning a period of more than 4000 years, and witnessing the fusion of several customs and traditions, which are reflective of the rich culture and heritage of the Country.

The history of the nation gives a glimpse into the magnanimity of its evolution - from a Country reeling under colonialism,­ to one of the leading economies in the global scenario within a span of fifty years. More than anything, the nationalisti­c fervour of the people is the contributing­ force behind the culmination of such a development.­ This transformati­on of the nation instills a sense of national pride in the heart of every Indian within the Country and abroad, and this section is a modest attempt at keeping its flame alive.
inactive user
India is one of the oldest civilization­s in the world, spanning a period of more than 4000 years, and witnessing the fusion of several customs and traditions, which are reflective of the rich culture and heritage of the Country.

The history of the nation gives a glimpse into the magnanimity of its evolution - from a Country reeling under colonialism,­ to one of the leading economies in the global scenario within a span of fifty years. More than anything, the nationalisti­c fervour of the people is the contributing­ force behind the culmination of such a development.­ This transformati­on of the nation instills a sense of national pride in the heart of every Indian within the Country and abroad, and this section is a modest attempt at keeping its flame alive.
inactive user
hey thanks for the add,
how are you?
you look so cool in your pictures..
God bless
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
I have finisheD it yesterday,toO, . !:-)
hehehehe, . .
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
héy ^^
it's afaf from morocco
nice to meet yah :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
Thanks,. ;)
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