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Anastasia, 30 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Scribe initiate

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2017
Hey Anastasia,

Do you like to exchange postcards?


inactive user
anastasia! wow! what a lovely girl u are!
i'm alex
if u also like long lasting friends, then please write me back!
welcome! hablo espanollllllll!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 9, 2016
A t-Rex! Wow! As in, if there were ever to have been one of the domesticated variety, it would share the same name? Or perhaps, right in the final moment of impending death, a prehistoric human would have screamed my name as they were plucked from the ground and crushed between the t-Rex's jaws? Maybe that's it? "ATAHUAAAAALPAAAAA!" That's what someone says when they get munched on by a huge reptilian predator? Hahaha! Whatever the scene, I think it can spoil the simple fun of spontaneity to inquire and fill out all the details, but I can't help but ask, why does my name remind you of that, Anastasya?! :0
inactive user
Hello, Anastasya! Wish you better luck with Artificial Intelligence subject at the university than I had. xD
inactive user
inactive user
My favourite colour and shape combination is ( o Y o ) I don't really mind the colour to be honest.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2015
Outstanding profile. :) What kind of project do you need hungarian skills for?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 21, 2015
Thank you :)
inactive user
Greetings, dear AI weaver. :)

I didn't have the time to answer before, but it's funny you mentionned Mark bolan. This photo already had some funny comparaisons, but definitly not this one !

My name is Guillaume and i'm somewhere between the worlds of art and technology. Being logical and creative, and mixing the two concepts can always have unforeseen consequences but quite funny :D

I write novellas (in the Sci-Fi lore these days), used to draw illustrations and am quite busy in the IT field (not really AI, though). Being quite curious, i did once stopped by your page and mentionned to myself to leave a note but i was busy back then. Looks like it's a good time to greet you :)
inactive user
Вау, крутое увлечение для девушки. А у тебя есть какие-нибудь написанные проекты по ИИ? Привет.
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