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Amy, 32 y.o.
Los Angeles, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2015
hola, encantado! Como estas?Buenas fotos!
inactive user
O-ok, sounds like a plan. Why so interested?
inactive user
Thanks for your comment on my profile pic^^ I got new glasses recently! Your glasses is way better than mine lol
inactive user
Fine thanks, I just don't want to go to work but ... hey I think I haven't got a choice :D what about you ?
And one question. . What do you think about Mary ?
inactive user
Whovian \^o^/ uhh and a Sherly-fan and a SPN-fan :33 jippie best series ever!

sooo Hello my Dear friend
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2014
I conseil you to go in italia in this summer of 2015. Hope you will find the best inspiration for go in Sicilia!!!
inactive user
Hey broo :D !! How's it going ?
inactive user
I'm jealous about your nice life-plan!! I really want to see around Europe, Africa, India, and China one day. But actually America is sooo exciting enough for me now:)
Why is SF a good place for you to live?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2014
I think that's wonderful you're going to travel/backpack through Europe! Have fun :) I went with a group of French peeps throughout parts of Europe by renting a van and driving to and fro. Long story, but it was amazing! I went to France, Italy, Croatia, and we drove through Slovenia. Each place we visited was amazing, especially Croatia, that country caught me off-gaurd. It is just so beautiful, never thought i'd have gotten the chance to visit it, but I'm so glad that I did. :)
inactive user
Sure you will have the money to travel to Japan when you start working!
What a coincidence:) Literature major...sounds so hard but interesting as well.
I changed my major because I was tired of coding and thought that it's not the thing that I should pursue throughout my life.
I plan to go back when I graduate. But I hope I can work all over the world! Do you have a plan when you graduate?
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