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Daniel, 37 y.o.
Bogotá, Colombia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 37.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2012
Hello! Wow that is really cool, so what is it like where you live? Is it near the beaches, or the snow? Your a mechanical engineer? That is really good? What are you going to study overseas? Are you able to just go straight into another Mechanical Engineer job overseas?

I am a Graphic Designer. It is very competitive, it took me 2 years after Uni to get this job, I was working in retail before this. I am going to start a short acting course in August. I did a bit of extra work during Uni and it i something I always wanted to focus on.

How was your weekend? What do you do in your spare time?
inactive user
sorry for late reply!
and thank you. i think so ,too xP
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2012
I'm good Thank you :)
It would be nice to get to know you, I'd like to make lots of friends overseas :D It would also be nice to learn about Columbia, what is it like over there? What do you do?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 6, 2012
Hello, How are you? :)
inactive user
A mi de momento bien, pero aqui hay mucha gente mal.
Veremos a ver como va lo de la crisis.
inactive user
Muchas gracias ^_^
inactive user
si,es bueno..nuestro clima es como el clima de colombia,la diferencia es solamente aqui en sur donde hace frio ahora hasta el fin de julio.
si,debes a venir cuando queiras!aqui cuando decis que eres colombiano van a preguntar se te gusta shakira o se conoces el cartel!
jajajaja si me estoy segura de la fecha pero tengo ganas de irme pronto!
inactive user
si,para mi cocinar es una batalla :( sabes cocinar?
todo muy bien..aqui donde vivo es en sur entonces hace frio.. y q tal alla??tengo amigos en medellin.he oido cosas muy buenas del pais,tengo ganas de conocer en el futuro!
inactive user
Qué le pasa a mis fotos? :O
inactive user
oh si? yo tambien..intentando hacer mi cena..oh como es terrible cocinar :(
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