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Caitlin, 32 y.o.
Washington, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 616.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2010
so sorry i have been gone for so long. life sure is hectic. but i'm on summer break now :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2010
red???that's cool!!
i like red hair , and i think that is perfect to u:)
and the fake hair is ....i have short hair so i want long hair so...
attach fake hair to my real hair
i use 'fake hair' word cuz i don't know what i'm saying in english it!
inactive user
Hm. You must have stolen our sun, then, because it's rained most of the last two weeks or so. But I'm glad you're getting to enjoy the weather, minus the sunburn. I have a tendency to cover myself in sunblock, so I haven't gotten burned yet.
inactive user
Oh, don't apologize for words I don't know. I like learning new ones. I can use them and confuse my friends or something. Haha. xD
And yes, I'm DEFINITELY a nerd, and I love it! :)
Yes, I do knit. I've started crocheting, though, and I think I like it better simply because I'm faster.
I'm quite well. A little tired and in need of a shower, but otherwise fine.
And you?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2010
actually i want some change my hair!
it's little bit boring nowT.T
and some friend told me do a fake hair what do u think about??:)
inactive user
Aw, you're adorable! And we have a few things in common: I'm also a bit of an introvert; I love Skins; and I really enjoy badminton.
Oh, and we're both just nerds in general. :)

How are you today?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2010
really?u like my fringe??haha
thanks for saying that!:D
i feel very happy cuz of your comment:D haha
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2010
what's up?
i'm Na-eun:)
you lookn like special!
inactive user
Yes now you talking it was the form and the structure that was very challenging but otherwise the theme was easy to find. i studied it at the university, it was probably challenging because i didnt do poetry at high school.
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