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Park sunyoung, 38 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2008
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2007
inactive user
Hi frances :). Chemical engineerings sounds extremly fun. How far are you to getting your degree in both chemical and english? I watch movies all the time, and I like chatting a lot too :D. Well, hope to hear from you!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2007
Hi Frances,

How are you?
In France, it\'s 7 o\'clock and I am going to go to work in company for my studies.
I saw in yout profile that you like Prison Break,
Have you ever seen all the episodes?

See you soon

Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2007
Oh, how can I live in Antarctica! that just kidding. XD sorry if u really believe that:) well, I live in seoul and also study here:P and of course I really gooooooood at korean!!! XD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2007
inactive user
Good Morning!
In Austria it\'s 10 o\'clock. But i\'ve no school today *yeah* :) The school tipes in Austria are very very complicated. But if you like, i can tell you more about them. Yes, Apfelstrudel is made by apples. It\'s a dessert but you can also eat it as lunch. I write you the recept maybe you have eaten it ... :) Rasped apples, sugar, cinamon, milled tonsils and raisins. These you have to put in the Strudelteig (it\'s a special kind of dough made by flavour, oil, salt and water - it\'s a very difficult dough because it has to have the right consistence). And than you cancel it with milk and put it into the oven. When it\'s ready you can eat it as an simple Apfelstrudel or with ice-cream or with vanilla sauce. My favourite Apfelstrudel is with ice-cream :)
So, now i have written and written and written and i must go lerning ...
nice greets
inactive user
Today at us the sun! At us in Ukraine it is very beautiful. But people live poorly and all for our politicians. On that at us people Leave to earn money in the countries Europe. And how yours a name? And where ти studies?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2007
Hi ^^

How are you?

You seem to be sympathic, I am ok to talk with you cause I think we have some common points.

See you soon ^^

inactive user
In our holidays we work and travel :) I think this is in each country the same :)
Austria is a very nice country we have mountains and lakes, in winter we can go skiing and in summer we can go swimming. Hm ... what else can i tell you?? The national food is very good - this are things like Wiener Schnitzel, Apfelstrudel, Germknödel, Salzburger Nockerl, and so on. Have you ever heard from one of these? What else do you like to know? - Ask me :)
How is school like in korea?
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