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Xueying, 32 y.o.
Guigang, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 8 of 8.
inactive user
Hi FuFu how is everything going over there in China? I never heard about guigang? In which province? I hope your doing ok

Reply - Conversation - Dec 12, 2012
am razak from Ghana,
a student and also a footballer
i wish i can chat with you to let you more
about me...
and i want you to know that much talk
will not show how serious i mean...
Reply - Conversation - Dec 11, 2012
nice to meet u too im nicole. how are u?:)
inactive user
thay have alot of casinos there
inactive user
the entertainment capatil of the world
inactive user
i am from las vegas
nice photo you have
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2012
inactive user
Hello my name is Joseph I’m a 25 year old male from North Wales united kingdom and I’m very interested in the Chinese language and culture and would love to have a Chinese friend who could teach me about your wonderful country. If you could teach me by Skype or msn or even QQ that would be great because I want to learn spoken Chinese. In exchange If you like I could teach you English and its culture.
If you are interested please send me an e-mail
Have a nice day
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