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GeelGaEun, 31 y.o.
Daegu, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 233.
inactive user
inactive user
Lol , I just back home , dinner with my family .
eat some snacks ?
inactive user
OMG ? Seriousslyy ?
I wanna wish you Happy Korean New Year Eve !!!
May you always a good health and wealth :)
hhehe , get some rest after doing some chores :)
inactive user
Nice to meet you toooooo penpal :D
Im fine and thankyou
and you ?
inactive user
Hey, nice to meet you too :)
I'm well, yourself?
inactive user
well, French uses some English words ^^ but French people don't really like foreign languages, they like french ^^ :D But myself, I just LOVE them :) do you?
Thanks, you are good at English too ;D
inactive user
oh no =/ what did u write? ^^^
inactive user
I love black eyes <3 haha
I'd love to look like a latino girl XD I loveeee latinooos <3 ^^

I change the subject but do you like pockys? :D
inactive user
great for your exam ;D
don't worry ^^, I don't know anything in korean ^^ but I'd like to learn :) could u tell me some words? =D I think korea is a fantastic country, very interesting :), maybe someday i'll visit it XD
I can help u with french if u want to :D
inactive user
wow good luck then ;D and don't worry you're not lazy :)
These days I'm lazy cauz I'm on holidayyys LoL so... ^^
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