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Nan , 38 y.o.
Beijing, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2014
Nice to meet you too.
How are you?
inactive user
Hey it's sindyt87
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2014
Haha, great! Hello from Russia :)
inactive user
I really want to try the snow skin mooncakes! No I have never been to China but I've been to Hong Kong a lot of times since that's where my parents are from. We celebrate both Chinese New Year and christmas over here but we probably don't celebrate it like how you would! I have wechat if that helps
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2014
can you please recommend me some good classic chinese songs?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2014
Hello nice to meet you!
I wanna know people first before I make friends with them.
I would appreciate all the help I can get with Chinese and I think I can help you with English.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2014
do you know QQ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2014
haha, In the supermarket now, there are lots of different types of moon cakes, which are both delicious. have you ever come back to China? have you celebrate the chinese new year or just chirsmas
inactive user
Well where I live there isn't really a big celebration for the mid-autumn festival! I'd be lucky if I even get to eat a moon cake!
inactive user
I have been working but apart from that nothing much. Why are you going to Korea? For a holiday?
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