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Celine , 32 y.o.
Oslo, Norway [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 85.
Reply - Conversation - May 22, 2015
Hi I want to learn to speak English). I'm looking for friends that can help me to accomplish my wish. I relationships, people, psychology, music, Film, graphic design, illustration, books etc I'm interested.
Do not hesitate to write me to:)
I'm an electrical engineer
I love to travel
I want to meet with people in other countries
and I want them entertaining in my country
I love very animals
Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2014
Hi there! I'm Merisa from Thailand. Nice to meet you ^_^
inactive user
hi. my name is saminda. i am from sri lanka. like to be u friend..
inactive user
Hi :)
my name's kaysie.
nice to meet you.
you're interested in thai. If you don't mind i can help you :)
we can be friend? ^_^
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2014
hmmm okey kanskje for 20. Må tenke på det...
myggnetting med andre ord?
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2014
hmmm okey kanskje for 20. Må tenke på det...
myggnetting med andre ord?
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2014
Ja, du må bare vise øynene.
Jeg vil ikke, jeg kommer til å bli solgt for en kamel D:
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2014
Bahaha mail order bride!
Sånt skjer når du viser så mye skulder på bildet ditt! Nå MÅ du til Tyrkia pga det
Reply - Conversation - May 9, 2014
Jeg har lyst til å skrive en skikkelig ekkel, flørte melding sånn for shi*s and giggles, siden vi snakket om det tidligere idag at det var det eneste du fikk her, men tenkte det kom til å se kjempe rart ut siden folk ikke skjønner at vi er buddies irl :1
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2014
Hello i'm thailand girl i want to exchange language but i can't message to you TT can to be friend? ^__^
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