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Andra, 30 y.o.
Tallinn, Estonia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 193.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2013
happy birthday
inactive user
Hi there, I just stumbled across your profile and would love to talk if you get the chance
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2011
inactive user
Hey ! Japp ''candy girl'' ahaha ... Andra dont mind my clumsy introduction, i'm just happy writing to you. I know my reply comes centuries after your wall post,i'm sorry for that.please dont think i forgot about you. I got into a car accident somewhile back and i'm still suffering the effects of that predicament.this has kept me on a to and fro cycle daily from home to the hospital.
What have you been upto these days? I'm sure u are having a mouthful bite of the summer vacations.
I decided to go have a little rest in another town (limbe). it has a beautiful beach, and a walk on the wet sand will be very theurapeutic for me.
U seem to like Egypt so much :)
its rather unfortunate that i've never been there.its a historical and beautiful country with exotic sand dunes.what do you like most about the place?
I love travelling too. I guess one day i wil be able see most of these towns and countries i read in books.
So how is your week end gon look like?
I pray you dont punish me with a late reply :D
take care of urself!
inactive user
if u go tell me then we can meet haha :P im great too thanks what did u do this weekend, are you in holidays?
inactive user
yea 1 time :D and you ? have you been to holland? how are ya?
inactive user
hey how are you? im brian would you like to talk with me?i have friends in talinn :D
inactive user
u didnt reply my post. Hpe u'v been good though.
inactive user
inactive user
The Pleasure is all mine Andra.....thats a cute name by the makes you think of Andrea but Andra gives it a unique twist to it...
ahahaha waow thats really Hilariouse and ingeniouse of i can call you "candy girl" right? :D
my own pseudo ''Alma rapero'' tells you all when you translate it to English. its a spanish way of saying '' soul rapper''..... Do you like Rap Music? infact I love and practice HipHop...
You know in the Rap world....soul Rappers have always been seen as those rappers who have a certain depth to their lyrics.....they stood for wisdom in contrast to the Mainstream Rap music we now have these days.....
ahah i dont want to bore you with the details of this..maybe u not so into that genre of music.Anyway i am versatile when it comes to the type of music i listen to. whats your Favourite Genre?
To be Honest....Nah! i have never played in snow, but i guess its cool right?

Like i commented ur pic, i dont think u need anymore sun lol..cos u already look soo Tanned...hey!in a whisper....tell me whats ur secret :D
Do u have any country in mind you will wish to go to when u grow older?
Take Care!
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