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Jarvis, 26 y.o.
Crockett, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 233.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2018
thanks. i only just logged back in. gonna do a redo of my profile and start from fresh
inactive user
hmm, i see we have some of the same goals and like some of the same TV shows. i'm Luke nice to meet you and thanks for viewing me btw
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2016
Hey it's nice to meet you. I'm Helena :) problem :)) i can do that for you haha just ask me anything about korean! (Btw, i'm really bad at explaining haha you should keep in mind lol)
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2016
You should list that those will be your preferred stations...
To be a 35P you need to pass the DLAB, which isn't guaranteed, good luck.
Look up some prep stuff, there's a few practice tests.
If you study some basic linguistics you should be good, but there's no guarantee you actually get Korean.
They tend not to care if you know any language to a small degree, it's only if you have fluency.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2016
ah really? Well, you know situation is really going worse in this Area? haha well, I'm afraid...I think you are good at army. But South Korea. ummm think about it.
inactive user
If you want to know who is the terrrist between these 5 Muslim there is one question you have to ask them : can you kill a innocent for your "God" ? Every Muslim can't do it because they know if they kill a innocent they never will go to the paradise.
inactive user
Okay for the Mexican but about Muslim I'm not agree with you. It's not because terrorists are mostly Muslim Trump have to forbide acces to USA at every Muslim. If every countries do it that will be like a genocide of Muslim. And he won't can do it because it's not written anywhere what is our religion.
inactive user
That's right I don't knw the history between Texas ans Mexico so it's why I can't understand you. I hate him because he is racist. He can want to build a wall betweent USA and Mexico but why doen't he want Muslim in USA ? I can understand it
inactive user
Yes it's normal to "protect" borders against migrants. But if there are illegal mexican migrants it's because they have some reason and because they can't stay in their country. I'm not saying you must let them come in America freely but you mustn't let them without help. This is what I think after I on't know anything about how American Politics and American mentality. Just I hate Trump because he is like Marine Le Pen, Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marion Maréchal-Le Pen (these are French Politician)
inactive user
So you're supporting Donald Trump
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