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Jieun-Choi, 31 y.o.
Seongnam-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 33.
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2011
I was so silk +o( I'm so sensible from weather's change today are so sunny.. 5 later so cloudy.. later are so raining with thunder... and 20 mins later another time sunny summer... it's so crazy and my head @_@ xD and I'm so sad,my best friend is idiot his girlfriend controlling and she are winning what my best friend lose his friends... XD hahahaha i was 2 weeks tired in my bed and this is my boring life... hahahahaha today I was go to buy something in the train there are a deutsch's family with 6 little boys,around 3-4 years old,they're so crazy are hitting it and they cry later all people laugh they too are laughing later from cry and another time are hitting it.. jajjajaja xDDDDDD 1h around the same bucle... and this is the only interesting thing today...I need a girlfriend... jajajaja and how it's about you? :)

kisses and hugs :D
inactive user
i'm very well! ^^
and your exam... well? *-* :3
inactive user
but they are good news! i think... xD
inactive user
anyeong :O
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2011
I'm sorry :( i wait you have very luck with exams and you'll surpass it :P you're so inteligent! you will say how it's going your exams ^^

/kiss /hug /luck ^^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 15, 2011
you don't love me now :(
inactive user
don't worry.....i'm too T.T
we don't have life these days!!! study and study hahaa u.u
my english is very baddd, please understand meeeee haha
inactive user
me too!!! *3*
inactive user
Estoy bien, gracias ^.^
많이 공부했어요...힘내 you will have a good mark :D
inactive user
where??????? :OOOOO
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