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MinAh68, 29 y.o.
Sierentz, France [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 63.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2012
Xin chào! Ban co khoé khong ?
Tu parles vraiment vietnamien ? Je viens de célébrer le nouvel an lunaire avec ceux de ma ville :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2012
Good :) but I caught a cold :( ..!!
inactive user
Never mind :)
Haha thankies anyway! Woah :O wishing that someday I can go there and see Eiffel haha.
Um.. I go to beach, playing fireworks then counting time until January's come xD
inactive user
Haha t'es vacances commence bien tôt toi , chez moi c'est le 04 juillet >>
donc l'année dernier mon anniversaire est tombé en plein dans les révisions du brevet -_- TROP HYPER MEGA COOL =P
Hanw le 07 septembre ... ah ouais c'est un peu dure c'est vrai sa u__u
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2012
Hi :) Sorry the reply was too late..
inactive user
Cecile and MinAh, both of them are gorgeous name x)
Anyway, you live in France? Or in Korea?
No, nevermind :D What you wanna do when new year eve's come?
inactive user
Nyahaha >< !
Le 16 juin u__u -très belle date selon moi-
mmmh . . . >>" Et toi ?? 8D
inactive user
I'm Esty xD
Then, what should I call you anyway? Ah ya, Merry Christmas anyway :D
inactive user
Heyho there xD
Thx for visiting my profile anyway, have a blessed day. Yay! >.<
inactive user
nice! :D haha i got out of school since last friday, so its been good :D what have you been doing?
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