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Hanna, 30 y.o.
Karlstad, Sweden [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1200.
inactive user
Hej :-)
inactive user
Already snow there? Omg here you can still go to the beach xD
inactive user
Just a lot of schoolwork :p
But only 2 weeks to go and ten I finnaly have vacation!!!
Can't wait!
inactive user
My weekend was pretty good,
But I always hate sunday nights, 'cause its the night before Monday :p
So what are you plans for this week?
inactive user
How was your weekend?
inactive user
Me too! I'm seeing them this summer (-:
inactive user
Ok cool,
But I'm gonna sleep
Talk to you later
inactive user
Of course! Have you ever seen Sleeping with Sirens live?
inactive user
Ok cool, in my imagination Sweden is a bit like one of THE best places to live (Am I right?), but I've never been there yet.
Have you ever been in Holland?
Not that there is anything to do here, Holland is soooo boring
inactive user
I'm fine,
Only a little sleepy x3
Just watching some tv and I guess I go get some sleep soon
So you're from Sweden right? How is living there?
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