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Nathan Morrison, 32 y.o.
Aberdeen, United Kingdom [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1104.
inactive user
Hello Nath, nice to see you
Modern Chinese History, interesting but a little secret in some way
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2013
Lol, then where u think I should be?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2013
im in my room now, dorm :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2013
im fine, thx:)
what about u?
inactive user
wtf is a wordsmith or word slinger?!

hahahahaha, pineapples are delicious... jusssst maybe not if it was up someones ***.
i get A's in english :) and in like all my other classes. Except for religion. i ******* hated that class. and i never liked the teachers who taught the class either.
inactive user
So you grow younger?!
inactive user
yeaah bro, you're only like 18?! when i'm 18, i'll just be graduating high school :o
docta nathan. i'm gonna call you that from now on. (:

i just wanna be a writer, planning on studying english forever and everrrr.
inactive user
hahaha well when i don't know what word to use or just don't know what to say in general, i swear c;

damn, third year? :o what are you studying?
inactive user
haha damn, i don't think we have had as many strikes. either that or i just haven't realized them.

hahaha yeah i suppose i should update that. i don't swear nearly as much as i used to, and i really only ever do in person.
LOL you use them as commas? Hahaha best thing i've ever heard.
nope, i have one more year of high school starting in september before i head off to uni.
inactive user
hahaha oh shit, yeah like 5 months? haha, its all good.
what kind of strikes? :o we had a post office strike here recently.
canadas alright, the weathers beautiful and hot when its not been raining. i lovee it.
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