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Julia, 32 y.o.
Berwyn, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1052.
inactive user
Hey Julia,

how are you doin? I miss ya totally much!!!

I wish you a "Happy Easter" and I hope to hear from you soon =)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2010
Hi Julia!

How is life??

Filippa xoxo
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2010
haw are you today
inactive user
Hi Julia,

how are ya doin? I miss U!!! :(...

I wanted to let you know that I wear your cool "New Moon" shirt at the moment - I totally love it :)

Has my present arrived you yet??? I hope it soooooooo much!!!

Big Hugs

your friend Alex :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2010
Hi Julia,
How are you? I am really sorry for the really late reply....
Phew...I've just about settled in to life back at school after the Christmas holidays. We started this week and the teachers have already pilled us with homework...
Well here's a quick update:
We went to Thailand over the Christmas holiday! :) Thats also one of the reasons why I haven't had the chance to write.
Thailand was really nice! Nice and warm if you compare to Sweden..haha :) There was over a 50 degrees celcius difference from when we left and came back. From around 38 degrees in Thailand to -26 when we arrived in Sweden... brrr... it was freezing and there was tons of snow!
I've never been to Asia before but it was really great. I loved the food! Thai-food is really the best! :D
We were there for two weeks. We spent one week on some islands by the beach, and one week traveling inland to in the jungle, small towns and Bangkok. Bangkok was fabulos too. There was so much shopping...everywhere... I don't think I've done more shopping in my whole life! Everything was so cheap compared to Sweden I just couldn't resist...haha XD I'm not usually that much of a shopper... :)

Ok, you want to study History and Engligh literature. That sounds nice! :)
Oh, I love Meryl Streep to! You're right, she is an amazing actress. I recently watched the movie Julie & Julia :) haha. I love her, she always gets so into the role.
No I haven't seen Shakespeare in Love though I've heard a lot about it. It's supposed to be really good. Well, I better watch it! :)

So how were your Christmas holidays? How did the dogsitting go? I guess you've started school now too...

I felt it was nice just spending the vacation with the family...what about you? Did you meet up with any friends?

Sorry again for the very late repy,
Filippa xoxox
inactive user
I think your collegetime will be awesome!! people will dance and sing on tables and there will be colours everywhere!B) But i understand the weird will be a adventure=)
School has been bad because it feels like..i don't have time for anyting know? i think of school everyday and it's impossible to do everything that has to be done.
But everything will be just fine someday=)
"Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters" =O haha ow Are you planning to read these books?=D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 5, 2010
It was pretty good! Last year I got the flu on New Years Eve and this year I didn' it was definitely better than last years! How about yours?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2010
Do you learn math still?
I don't need to learn it now:) because I am studyin' in language school, so I think it's not important for languages schools' students to learn math:) Although I hate math!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2009
I wish you progress in this new year, happy days
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