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Pau, 32 y.o.
Berkeley, United States [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 31.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2008
Love Led Zepellin first of all!!

So Berkley eh? i want to go to UCBerkley Some dayyy

Can you take the metro or watever u call it there to San Francisco

inactive user
yeah, i think my ears closed up already. i\'m really upset about it :( i actually took away a whole bunch of songs from my list because it was annoying for me to scroll down all the time.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2007
When I was 14, I was the biggest gainsayer I have known. I was totally against smoking. But as time has grown, I felt I need to do it. It was my will and its the only material thing that helps me. And I like it. Now its part of my \"ME\" :) Its really something unexplainable, when you dont smoke. So also if you dont see my reason, please, believe me I have damned good;) okay?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2007
Why should I become rapist? I am not evil type of man... :) That information will close my days ;) Its hard to explain... But, however, you havent answered my question ;)
inactive user
Haha, wonder why that name sounds so familiar... defend you... hmm... i dunno. lol. I hope I can see silverstein in concert sometime soon, but I checked the tour dates and the closest one to me is... wait no, ooo there\'s one and hour and a half away!!! yay!! but i don\'t think i can go :( hopefully i can at least go to the warped tour though... what songs have you listened to?
inactive user
Na, it wasn\'t painful at all, I thought it would be, well, it can be afterwards, but a few days later, it\'s fine. Just a warning, take care of your piercings. Especially belly buttons! They are hard to maintain, my friend had one but, yeah, it got infected and she decided to take it out. My ear has formed these bump things, I forgot what they\'re called, but I don\'t know how I\'m gonna get my earrings back in!!! I think they closed up!!! I took them out for a couple days so the infection could disapear and now.... auugggh, this sucks!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2007
I will :) So, what school do you attend?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2007
you live in mexixo? thats cool i use to play the piano when i was in second grade then i quit i wish i didn\'t though. yea my cat got about 7 of my rats over time
inactive user
ooooo what kind of piercing? i just got my cartilage pierced twice and i finally took them out to change them and they got some sort of infection or something. i don\'t think i took care of them well enough, but I think in a few days they should be fine.
inactive user
yay! have you listened to them yet? I recommend you some good songs of Silverstein: \'Your Sword Versus My Dagger\'; \'Defend You\'; \'Fist Wrapped In Blood\'; and \'Bleeds No More\' They are probably my favorites so far... I\'m excited \'cause they\'re coming out with a new album soon, July I think! yay!
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