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Raphael Michael, 45 y.o.
Kington, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 16, 2019
Hi John. I was wondering if you remember me. My name is Raph. I still am happy to keep in touch with you.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2019
Hi John. I can help you with English if you want me to. I graduated English literature degree. And my grammar used to be perfect. I'll let you know if you want me to.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2019
Just sending a comment to John. You can still change your introduction about your Yale course. It's not too late.
inactive user
Hey I am Christian too. I don't think people mind that. Some people are here because they feel lonely or just sad and I guess we can help each other. Becoming friends, sharing ideas after all God has everything figured out.
inactive user
Well thanks a lot,
but I still feel I could speak better English haha.
And I'm litte regretting I wrote my university in my intoduction,
as I believe I am not that great student. I might have little pride
but also have lots of complex as well.
Nice to meet you! :P
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2013
Dear John,
Hi. It's really nice to keep in touch with you. But do you have illness, or weakness of some sorts? I have schizophrenia, and it stops me doing a lot of things. I read that one of your favourite movies is 'A Beautiful Mind', and in it you have a good idea what it is to like to have schizophrenia. And I think that it is important to have courage. And apart from praying to have courage, do you think that there's any other way?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2013

One definitely must learn how to make the best use of his time. There are many nights when I don't get much sleep because I'm busy studying or preparing for the next day. I try to get as much sleep as I can afford though. Sleep is good for you!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2013
Hey Raph,

The answer to your question is actually pretty simple; I love learning. I think with knowledge, one becomes a better person. An education makes you interesting and it opens up a multitude of doors professionally and personally. I had a rough childhood and education was my escape. I knew if I studied hard, I could become someone important, travel, and change the world.

As for study strategies (HOW I did well), there are some basic guidelines to follow that really make a difference in a classroom setting. First of all, get involved in what you're learning. I always try to reenact historical moments in my mind and try my best to put myself in the middle of the action. It really helps me recall the details of the event. That's just one way of actively learning. There are tons of other ways you can apply the same principle of immersing yourself in the knowledge to better understand basically any subject. Another great tip is to take notes by hand. A lot of people (including me) thought that typing notes would be faster and easier. Those are both correct statements, but faster and easier don't necessarily mean that it's a better method for learning. A better method is to write notes in class and then refine them via word processor later that day. You'll only write down what's necessary during the lecture and it's always good to go back and refine information into study guides.

I hope this answers your questions and please feel free to ask more!

Reply - Conversation - Aug 7, 2013
I don't think Yale is worse than Harvard
inactive user
If you don't believe then it will never happen, you have faiht but not in right place. We all have faith but it is where or faith lyes is what makes the difference. If we choose to have faith inGod and his Son Jesus then many things can and will happen but if we have faith in other things well there is only one who can heal... it is your choice, I can not make you see. God bless you brother.
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