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Raphael, 29 y.o.
Lyon, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
i am majoring nursing right now at university.. it's really hardT.T wanna stop it.haha:)
inactive user
oh you'll be 20 soon! are you a student now? what are you majoring in?
inactive user
you'll like it :D oh i didn't know that we are same in age! haha
inactive user
yes i'd love to visit Europe especially France and Italy once more:)
inactive user
yup i visited Paris more place but i forgot the nameT.T have you ever been to Korea?
inactive user
oh really? thats good :) i visited france once and it was sooo beautiful!
inactive user
hello~ wow you know many korean artists :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2015
Hiya! Great thanks :)

I've actually visited Lyon once, although it was a while back and I was just passing through.

Yes it is really difficult but thanks for the encouragement!
inactive user
math is difficult but fun XD eating is always right. hehe i'm studying math now:)
yeah late here, 10p.m now. what' time there?
inactive user
hi:) i'm junghyun from korea. i'm good thank you and u?
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