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Anastasia, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 420.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2011
Haha, where does the last quote come from ? I like it.
inactive user
hey, its been such a long time. i never get on this anymore, lol. how are you? hows everything?
inactive user
Ya need to load em high quality megapixel jpg
Reply - Conversation - Oct 29, 2009
Hi, Anastasia, my name is Anthony. I'm 19 and I live out on Long Island. Wanna be friends? :-P
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2009
Hey girly
whats up?
How have you been?
I just wanted to know did you ever get the last wall reply i sent??
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2009
Oh, and I was meaning to ask.. you know you said you're orginally from Russia, do you have a proper strong accent? :O x x
Reply - Conversation - Aug 27, 2009
Hahaha, oh don't apologise. I haven't replied to anyone in ages either, people have lives you know :) You have a house in France? Ah, laaavely. I love Southern France, it's gorgeous.. especially Nice! Where abouts is your house? Hahaha, you got some time left before you go back then. Lucky lucky lucky. Loads of Americans I've spoken to are back now. I'm back in two weeks time! But you started earlier than us ;)

Yeah, it was awful. Wet and yeeeuck! Down here though, it only gets cold in the winter, in the summer its really mild temperatures but really damn and humid. It's awful! Everything gets all sticky. Nope, didn't go to any festivals this year.. been to a few tiny tiny ones, but they're just like locals. How about you? <3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2009
Haven't heard from you in a while! How are you doing, gorgeous? (: Been up to much recently? I've just gotten back from another smaaaalll camping trip, was good fun but DIDNT stop raining. We woke up one morning, and I was like.. 'wait, guys.. it rained INSIDE the tent!'. I think it was because we were all leaning against the sides, and all the water leaked in on all of our stuff. All of my clothes and shoes were soaked, I was vaaaair upset. Have you been up to much? I suppose you're back to school now, right? I hope you're well! x x x x
inactive user
yes, and AIM. do you havee AIM i use that more. [:

my msn is, x.dollfacee.x
whats yours?
inactive user
same here, school starts back on monday for me so im trying to enjoy my last few days.

feeling bad. have you ever felt tired of a bestfriend? -.-
or like they seem like they change from one minute to the next?
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