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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 831.
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2017
Namaste from India, Fredrik!
If you're active here, I'd like to let you know that you look splendidly wholesome in your pics here!
Anyways, since I don't expect you to reply back here (and thus establish a contact first), I sadly wouldn't be able to write to you on your mail because I consider it being tad too 'forward'.
Nevertheless, take good care of yourself, your family and your loved ones; and stay blessed, mate!
Cheers! :D
inactive user
Hi you there! :D ,, You are such an amazing guy!i like u , u re learning so many languages!! hahah :D I am Indonesia, i have a dream to study in Uppsala univ,, anyway,, wish we can be friend,,, ;)
inactive user
Hi you there! :D ,, You are such an amazing guy!i like u , u re learning so many languages!! hahah :D I am Indonesia, i have a dream to study in Uppsala univ,, anyway,, wish we can be friend,,, ;)
inactive user
Hi you there! :D ,, You are such an amazing guy!i like u , u re learning so many language!! hahah :D I am Indonesia, i have a dream to study in Uppsala univ,, anyway,, wish we can be friend,,, ;)
inactive user
hhahaha long time no see brother?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2011
Hey, What's up??
inactive user
How were your holidays? :)
inactive user
Haha, that's good! :)

Oh, my! Really? Has the weather improved since we last talked? It's flooding in Queensland where I live at the moment, so I'm glad I'm not there!

Haha, not too cold, I was just complaining for the sake of it! Just a bit less than 20 degrees, I think! :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2010
jag skulle också vilja resa runt i värden :o

nååå kanske jag måste vara duktig på svenska eftersom jag har studerat det sedan tredje klass. men jag är inte så bra ännu!! :s
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