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Sylvia, 33 y.o.
Assen, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 8 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 136.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2016
Hello Sylviiah! Long time no see. I am so happy get your message. It's so touched you still retain the letter!!!
These year, I was taught history and science in elementary school, it was interesting, and also a big challenge to me haha~
And how about you these year? I am looking forward to your reply :)
( English is still poor, please never mind XD
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2016
Hi, how is it going? Nice to meet you :)
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2016
hello how are you today ??
can you be my friend
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2011
hello,Sylviiah,it's really long time no see,how are you?sorry i'm too busy that reply late,but i'm so happy hear from you :D ,and of course i don't forget you and happy that you also remember me, haha!i'm busy for my schoolwork and pt job,but i really confuse something..i have to think about my future after i gratuate,it's really a big work for me.
and how about you?
hoping to hear from you,and wish you have a nice day :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2011
waw if i have one as you i will be the happy man in this world
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
Haha...wouldn't that make me a complete dutch boy then?
It was nice talking with you as well, silly dutch girl. have a nice drive, and hope to hear from you in the future. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011, i don't have a cleaning lady. They're hard to come across for free, don't cha know? D;
I'm a mutt, i'm dutch-belgian-icelandic-norwegian-american. o; so my big toe is icelandic and my hair is norwegian. :P
Oh yes, another random thing about me.. i don't know the first thing about women. xD So i apologize if i seem a bit more strange then more part dutch boys. :P
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
I love to swim as well! Sadly likewise..most of the lakes around here aren't very nice.(you have to get up near Canada for that). And i'm not a big fan of don't get to feel the seaweed or all that fun just doesn't feel the same. D;

Well then it's a good thing that i'm a really simple man. xD
I love outdoors stuff! and i'm have trouble being motivated(can i blame the dutch in me for that?) I never got into cars.. i guess i'm not really into all that 'manly guy stuff'. about the only thing i don't do is cook or clean..which makes living alone very complex. lol I'm sure more will come to me, once my brain wakes up..

Is there a big difference between dutch and whatever they may speak in belgium? (can you guess what else i'm part. :P )
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
You dutch girls are interesting... :P
Ah.. that's pretty aweome. It doesn't sound much different then where i live. xD
For the most part it's buildings..buildings.. But seriously.. I've only lived in the mid west part of of the united states, so it's pretty much just open land and farms when you get out of the city. Near the Canadian border it's mainly pine trees and lakes. :)
Do you swim?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 2, 2011
Nothing wrong with that. ;) But the Dukes, a guy thing? Haha... i suppose maybe over seas. What other things do you enjoy?
I wouldn't know where to travel to, if i had the money. My cousin made it sound like amsterdam is a interesting place.. I hear that the Netherlands is a very beautiful country though.. could be something i just heard a long time ago, but isn't there fields of tulips over there? You i like xD you have a good sense of humour(however people spell it..). :)
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