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Taejong, 40 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2010

It is okay you weren't rude.

I did send you a message on the wall, and you replied on mine after that I sent you a message to your inbox, and you replied on my wall.

What did you think of UK? Your English and my English and especially pronunciation of words would be different, but it is cute of UK accent. What accents do you like?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 26, 2010
You sound British or Irish when saying "hi love" I heard that in Ireland on my vacation a lot. Yes I am learning Korean in my own time, want to help? he he. Your English sound pretty good, how do you know it?

Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2010
Hello John how r u ?

Unfortunately for you I am not at all of Korea last I do not live in Korea I just marked that I lived in Korea to meet people from Korea really sorry but if you want so we can hear each other the English language for you and for me Korean

If you want me always lol

Take care
inactive user
im fine :)
inactive user
how are you ? :D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2010

i'm sunny, korea name is hyunsun

i've been here for 1 month ,too short hehe

i'm enjoying bournemouth life so far.

but i'm not good speaking English yet.

i think there're a lot of korean in here ,

may be seen each other because bournemouth is too small

i hope to enjoy your life

nice to mee you too.^^
inactive user
Yeah ^_^
Because my nickname Lani means sky in Hawain, and I wanted a Korean name XD
Hey, do you want to speak on MSN?
inactive user
Aw, I didn't have rain today
But it was really cold T_T
I don't know why the link didn't work, it worked for my
I hope tomorrow is better for you!
inactive user
Oh no it didn't work? :/ that's strange.
What did it say when you copied and pasted the link in?
Today was alright, just a long day at college T_T
How was your day?
inactive user
아 이것도 계속 하니까 질린다

하면할수록 내가 뭔가 모자란것같다는 생각뿐이다 ㅎ

내가 뭐 모자라서 이래 고생하미 친구를 찾아야하노

행님 그래 못난 사람이가
아 울고싶다 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋ
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