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John, 26 y.o.

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2015
Same! Censorship in society is particularly fascinating to study. I've lived in China before, and it is shocking to realise how much of what you see and hear is regulated by the government. AND I JUST REWATCHED ALL THE STAR WARS EPISODES OVER THIS WEEK. THEYRE AMAZING.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2015
1984 is one of my favs too! Have you ever read fahrenheit 451?
inactive user
inactive user
Thanks for viewing my profile dude nice to meet someone with lot of things in common as i do.
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2015
Thanks and np lol
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2015
Omg lol
inactive user
Ahh that's a hard subject to write 0_0
How did you decided to write this? If you don't mind me asking :)
inactive user
Wow really?? Amasing haha what's the book's subject?
inactive user
I have a problem. I can never decide what to write. Do i write something and a week later when i re read it i'm not satisfied! So i break the page. So i keep writting and then breaking the pages, i did that to 3 notebooks already T-T
inactive user
Oh wow really? Novels and poems 0_0 the longest thing i wrote is my auto biography but it's not ready yet :)
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