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Valentina, 34 y.o.
Eastport, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 29.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2008
hehe i am ok and you?
can u exchange letters with me? ^^
inactive user
yeah i still have it lmao
its still ALIVE!!! muhahahahha
inactive user
halloween tomorrow!
makeup & hair in the cafeteria BR XD
shall be a fun day!
luvvv ya
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2007
valentina!!!! have a fuckinsweet time upstate visiting some college you didn\'t even remember! haha, next weekend is ours, unless theatre kills me first. i mean it. olde eastport + us + cameras = fun so yeah. i just might need your number again, haha. maybe i\'m kidding. i\'ll have to get back to you on that <3 llooooooovya!
inactive user
How are you?
Your interests interest me. xD
Reply - Conversation - Oct 16, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! (..right?) or more like in a half hour. yeah, i think i re-got your # last time and put it somewhere -- but where exactly is the question, haha. i\'ll find it. life is so effing dumb right now, that\'s all i have to say x( anyways, how\'d that whole math thing go? i miss yoo
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2007
aww valentina you look so cyoooooote!! -- as in cute and not coyote, haha xP .. très adorable and slightly confuzed .. gawd you\'re afuckin makeup pro and ya look great dawl. once i finish this ******* humanities project (after the three day weekend) we hang out. somehow. homecoming didn\'t work caz we had to do the project that day too (beforehand) but that didn\'t go so well either .. blah .. but regardless we hang out soon. it\'s guaranteed. fotos. something. you teaching me how to apply fake eyelashes, haha. WE WILL REUNITE!! i wuv yoo (but i still need your number again, haha)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2007
yeah the beach can be really inspiring, especially when they have the little bambis at smiths point! awness! let\'s go feed them at sunset and have a bambi party..haha i\'m so weird. and i love false eyelashes!! ya gotta teach me how to use them tho b.c i have this killer pair but i just realllllly don\'t know how to put em on without inflicting some damage on my eyes, haha. kool about the cameras.. totally not shabby that you only came across one little prob! and 4 dollars for an old skool polaroid is kickass!! so good if ya wanna do amateur model shoots or so on and so forth. we should all go see across the universe. when i have money and when we can be almost sure that you\'ll A. find my house and B. have a SAFE ride home, hahaha. didn\'t see you in skool today! *sniffles* we all must chillaxness soon!! xP and yeah as for mascaras i like rimmel, london all the way baby!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2007
heylo darling!!! yerrsh, we should totally get together to do some amahzing photographs! you name the location n i\'ll be there!! i love your pix too by the way, WHAT MASCARA DO YOU USE!! haha.. valentina with the awesome eyes. and awesome about the camaritas - who doesn\'t love a good deal on something as kickarse as that? were they in decent condition? and once again, YES, we should deff get together soon. like, very soon. when i\'m not stuck in the skool\'s black box. all of us! let\'s do something! mehbeh we can all go to the beach around sunset when it\'s really windy n nice to take fotos. who knows. I WILL CALL YOU! haha, and btw you might want to give me your numbers again b.c my fone got taken away!! :l blahness. how is life otherwise for miss valentina i totally forgot your last name again? xD loooooooooove you!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23, 2007
VALENTINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIGHOIUHAFNOIUHNOVIUHAOBBBBBBBBB IFUCKINGLOVEYOU!!! mind you, i am serious when i say we need to hang out. and that i\'ll call you. \'cept now i\'m in that play thing which limits my time to call and hang out with you, haha. but this weekend let\'s do something!! anything. mehbeh we can catch a movie again but your dad\'s car won\'t DIE? haha. see you in skool tomoro. me and my three hours of sleep x) looooove, giulianna
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