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Justin and Randi, 32 y.o.
Bloomington, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 28.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2015
Hei there!

I'm really sorry for this ridiculously late reply but you caught me right before leaving for Christmas vacation and I just came back a few days ago.
Actually you are right, I am a really busy person but I also really fancied your guys' profile when I came along to read it the first time and therefore I guess I'd be up for you guys to be my penpals :)
Though I'd like you to be aware of the fact that even though I always try to reply as fast as possible it might take me a while sometimes simply because there is always a lot going on and I'm not quite sure yet where the road will take me to.
But if these circumstances are acceptable to you I'd really like to snail mail with you guys :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2015
Yes, you should! Later collecting becomes an addiction!
inactive user
Attention, mineko fumie NOT japanese
she just chinese - indonesian who live in indonesia!!
so, she just fooled you guys!!
look at her poke nose, Thats not jaPs nose
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2015
Poor Mace :( I'm sure she's very happy living with you guys now :D I used to have a kitten like her that I found under my mother's car one day. She hissed at people at first and after a few days, she kind of opened up to us. But she didn't last long though. She um passed away after a week with us. The vet told us that she might be having sporotrichosis. Her name is Comel which means cute because she's just so fluffy and kind of look like a munchkin breed. Oh really? I hope Molly can accept the new family member ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2015
haha I hope it's good kind of crazy haha oh man, your house must be lively then ^^ Aww, playful but obedient. Hm goooood :P haha that cat in my profile picture fits the description as well. She doesn't like to be hold but I like to hug her and mess with her sometime hehe So I assumed, 2 dogs and a cat? :) Cool, I have cats. Lots hehe
inactive user
Hi!! I haven't gotten to see the southern lights but I hear they are beautiful from Stewart Island.I jave been to Stewart Island though which is reallt pretty.It's mostly trees and wildlife. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2015
Oh really? Mace must've give you a hard time managing her :P and Leia being all docile ^^ all my cats are kind of.. mischievous but I still love them to bits >< I'm not really an expert in Native American belief but I do find it interesting ^^ and all this bi eyes thing is new information to me hehe
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2015
Aww that's so cute :3 I'd love to meet them toooo! :D and such pretty names for them, Leia and Mace ^^ and I saw your post about bi eyes can see both spirit and earth world, I think it's kinda cool :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2015
Hello :) Such cute dogs you guys have :D I wanna hug them! haha
inactive user
Hello to you (guys) as well, I see that two people are running this account, heh. As for your question. Studies, yeah. I went to Taiwan for a particular school.
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