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APoundOfString, 30 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
inactive user
Hi there!!! I miss you so much <3 <3
inactive user
Hey, Merry Christmas!
inactive user
Hello Jess :)
Nice to meet you.
Sorry I couldn't answer you yesterday because I was really busy.
Yeah, I also like Australia, a nice place to live.
Where do you live in it? :)
inactive user
Hellooo there

>.< Im not really gangsta..Lol

Woot bookworms..
Okay if you insist I come to..that..Hole xP then I shalll
bye bye
inactive user
Just Twilight and all the Harry Potter books. And I'm going for New Moon these days. I'm really crazy over Edward and Cedric. Let's keep in touch. Good night! ( it is night in Sri Lanka)
inactive user
Thank for that.
inactive user
I like singing in the shower, Autumn leaves, laughing and reading books. And I like to be your friend too.
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