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Baskboom, 104 y.o.
Antwerpen, Belgium [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 123.
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2011
i swear u are the most beautifull girl in this world
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2011
thanks but im not beautiful
inactive user
No, sadly I have never been out of the states. I hope to do some international traveling in the next few years though. How about you? Have you been to the US?
inactive user
Pretty good I suppose, finally got a cap on that oil pipeline that was broken. How is it in Banjul?
inactive user
they are doin well & yours?
inactive user
Oh it's okay. Happened a long time ago. And hehe why's that, I'm very sure your a sane person. Why mee? :P
inactive user
Oh I don't have a family. But my friends are okay. How about yours. Everything good?
inactive user
Hey I'm good how are you ? ;)
inactive user
Doing pretty good thanks, how bout you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 25, 2010
Hi man!

We can chat tomorrow if you want! I'm off so got all the time!

Let me know ok!
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