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David, 30 y.o.
Holbæk, Denmark [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
inactive user
why such fright for crabs?
how about birds?
i used to picture they pick on people's eyeballs.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2013
"Its my bday :)"
Yes, yes, I noticed that. That's why I'm here to wish you a happy, happy birthday. Hope your birthday party is a complete success !
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2013
Hi David, what's up with you? You have any good news (or even bad news) for me?
I hope you did get your own flat, the one you talked about earlier, the one all paid for by the government or something...
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2012
I know exactly what you mean. I face that dilemma too every time I write an opinion article. But then you say to yourself: My opinions on things are part of me; if you can't accept me for what I'm, well, that's your prerogative, and why should I care anyway.

When I wrote the article about iPad, for example, I was concerned that I might lose half of my friends because of my opinions. But it never happened. I guess because people respect me for what I 'm, they realize that no 2 people have the same opinion on everything.

Besides, you don't have to choose the most controversial topics to write about initially. Write about some totally harmless subjects, and as you gain more confidence, you can write about other stuff :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 8, 2012
"why what if i had a blog"
Oh, nothing. I was just being curious, since a lot of people seem to have a blog nowadays. Of course there are also many who don't :)

Personally I consider Interpals to be my blog, since I often express my opinions on various subjects, on a somewhat regular basis, in my "Notes" section.

"i dont think i could have a blog running"
Er... why is that?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2012
"kinda sad you dont update your picture of the week "
Ok, I'll give it some consideration too. But the tough part about that, is I'm always afraid some people may be offended by the picture. (You know how some people are. They get offended by many things.)

Thanks for the link ! Haha, very funny pictures :) By the way, do you have a blog at that site? Do you have a blog anywhere?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2012
Oh yes. Mr. Power. What an apt name! And an awesome name. I like it !!! You know, I don't think it's too big of an exaggeration to say you have superpower, kind of like the superheroes in movies (Mr. Incredible, etc.). Electricity = Power

Person of the Week... Ok, I'll give it some consideration. But the tough part about it is that a lot of people are shy and refuse to be interviewed for the article.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2012
So David, your interest is actually in electrician. I thought you'd be in the computer field. But being an electrician is also pretty good, I think. You're practically in control of the power supply to every room in a house/building. And without power, nobody can do anything.
That's pretty awesome, don't you think?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2012
"after i get the apartment they will also help me get an education as an electrician"
And I suppose they'll also pay for your education?
Why wasn't I born in Denmark? Who do you think I can blame it on? :-)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2012
The government pays your rent and you only have to pay for phone bills etc.? Wow.... do they have more openings available and do they accept foreigners, especially Canadians ? :D:D:D:D

So let me guess. Their requirement is that you have spent one year in that special school, and continue to stay in that school. But what happens when you graduate? Or can one stay in that school indefinitely? :D

Yeah, maybe I'll join your program and we can have rat/hamster party every weekend. lol...
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