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Sam, 32 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 817.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2015
Sawaddee !! (it's Thai's greeting)
Hello Sam !! Thanks for visiting :D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2015
How are you likin' the teaching experience, my man? I'm thinking of becoming an English teacher myself.
inactive user
Haha.. not really. In my contry kdrama have they´re time but is getting popular slowly. Kpop I personaly haven´t met people that love kpop.(My people think that all asian are the same ¬¬ with is funny to hear them) People in my contry are more into the europe and america fever. However I hear that is getting popular in other´s contries such as Mexico. To be honest I don´t know much about kpop bands or groups. I hear alot of Korea from my mother, she used to work with Korean people so many years and I been curious about it. She has told me Korean people are hartworking people and really respectful. So I been curiosity about it such as Japan. I´m seriously thinking of travel to Asian contries such as Japan, S.Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong Thailand and maybe India. ^^ What can you tell me about Korea history, people and tradition? Isn´t a incredible culture, I like how shy they´re and how respectful they are to womans (well most of them). Korean womans are really hart worker and fisical are really beautiful. They look so young. I wonder how they do that.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2014
Hi from Thailand
inactive user
Hey Thank you writting back,
How long dose it take you to learn Korean? What was your first impresion about they language...Yeah no tones that sounds great. Go-figure gramma always is the most complicate part.
I one´s read an article that talks about the situations and conditions of the third age people is really difficut and unhealthy, similar to the Japanes issuses. Let me tell you I´m a pshychologist and I´m working on my thesis call "Generalized Anxiety Disorder on the third aged and there socialfamily profile" with it talks about the difficulist and the importan of the family support.
yeah! Korean food are soo good, I love it! and I believe for what i read the culture is amazing.

Thank you for the information. Have great day ^^
inactive user
Hey! I have questions for you. How is Korea, who is the culture and the people there? What is your experience there? ... I hear Korea is the easy language out of the hold Asiacontries, is that true?

Sorry if I comeout of the blue with this odd questions.. Anyways have great day.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2014
I will! :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2014
내 = My
네 = Yes

Lol well I've never been to Korea, taught myself on the internet :) But I teach it at a uni here in Jamaica now.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2014
Should I correct your Korean for you?

네, 자메이카사람이에요
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2014
아니지만 고맙습니다!! :)
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