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Diana, 28 y.o.
Madrid, Spain [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2013
Oh thankyou :) I'm Holly, from somewhere smallish near Nottingham haha How are you? :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2013
Hey Diana! I'm sorry, it was a long time ago that I was not went on the site.. How are you? I'm ok for write you! :)
inactive user
Happy Birthday!!!
inactive user
Shall I start? :) inbox me?
inactive user
Hahah, my name is verry weird XD What've you been up to, friend? (:
inactive user
inactive user
Heya fellow Downton fan! You have seriously good taste in books and tv shows!! I'm up for hand written letters if you want to inbox me, :)
inactive user
Wow, we do!! Hahha, I love your music preference >;D I'm Makeala c: Nice to meet you, Diana! :] I like your name a lot, hah!
inactive user
Wonderful, thanks c: And, that's great to hear! Anything new with you?
inactive user
Glee and New Girl <3 ^-^ Hah, how are you?
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