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Imran Ahmed Kabir, 31 y.o.
Dhaka, Bangladesh [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Graduate degree
Ahmed Imran Kabir


Lecturer of Management Information Systems

Relationship status


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 43.
inactive user
I’m on now if you happen to see this message. I know you sleep kind of late so let me know if u happen to be on, and shoot me a text. I don’t have your number anymore so you might need to text me on WhatsApp or something if you still have my number. If not, try reaching out again when it’s like 9:30-11:15AM ur time and PM my time. If you happen to get on earlier than that let me know as well. I’m home today most of the time.
inactive user
Let’s talk on the phone next time you get online lol. We only talked once or twice on the phone in 10 yrs. doesn’t make sense why we never talk on the phone ever lol when we know each other for that long. Let’s make plan to have a phone chat. I’m not sure why you are adamant about talking on the phone anyways with someone you say you’re close to: Lol 😛I wold like to hear who the ghost is behind the screen also lol 😆
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2020
Nothing. Listening to youtube music and chatting with you. You?
inactive user
Lool. What r u up 2?
inactive user
I did , only 2-3 times my whole life
inactive user
Yes , a lott
inactive user
I wish
inactive user
Oh cool. It’s kind of cold here also
inactive user
Hey ghostie, it was great Alhumdhulillah just tiring afterwards. How’s your going so far?
inactive user
Thanks, you too!
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