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Jaime, 39 y.o.
San Marcos, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 82.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2014
inactive user
how cold is it there? below freezing temperature?
inactive user
greetings from cold and wet England :-)
inactive user
I've started learning Polish, and I wanted to speak to actual Polish speakers rather than just learn from books and CDs, so here I am! You?
inactive user
I'm pretty good thanks. You?
inactive user
Hello from London!!
inactive user
If you love animals, I recommend books by english vet James Herriot. His books are amazing :)
inactive user
Hi jaimelyn, thanks for its greeting!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2014
Green mile and Disney rock!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2014
Your way of dealing with an ax murderer sounds much braver than my sitting on the floor and crying. Well done :)
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