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서서히, 28 y.o.
Kang-neung, South Korea [Current City]
Seoul, South Korea [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Some college

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 4 of 4.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2014
inactive user
내, 조금 배웠어요 ^_^~
But not so good at it, still.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2014
inactive user
안녕하세요! ^_^ 만나서 반가워요.
나는 새친구 만나싶어요..
한국말 배워싶어요.. 근데 잘 하지 않다.

Hope we can exchange language and be friends :D
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