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Nika01, 31 y.o.
Lublin, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 13 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 163.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2011
Nice Profile :))
Tu parles français ??

reply on my wall, thank you
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Feb 9, 2011
Hey !
On peut parler français si tu veux, il n'y a aucun problème !
Tu apprends le français depuis que tu as 11 ans ou bien depuis 11 ans ?
Tu vas passer le bac en français, tout le BAC ou c'est simplement une épreuve de français ?
Et comment cela se fait-il ?

Ca serait très gentil de ta part, merci :) !
Serais-tu d'accord de parler par e-mail ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 7, 2011
Hey ! :)
So, you speak French well ?
I can help you, if you need some !
I don't really know lots of things about Poland, will you be okay to learn me some things ? :)
inactive user
Uhh I'm right on my first try! :d
I see - well how whats going on nearby Lublin then? haha
I know talking about the weather is boring and a stereotype it was the first warm sunny day of the year! keep going sun! -> I dont want winter back either x.X (winter makes me look pale like a vampire!)
Well since your probably gone already, good night! see you next time!
inactive user
I figured posting too many below a picture could be annoying! so moved to wall!
So whats going on in Lublin? did you have the first sunny day of the year aswell? :P
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2011
hi,am a new member,i just wanted to say hello
inactive user
Moje zaciekawienie nią? Hm, zaczęło się to tak w sumie po prostu xd Znudzona włączyłam YouTube'a i zaczęłam czegoś tam szukać... już nawet nie pamiętam czego - no i natchnęłam się na piosenkę SNDS - "Run Devil Run". Strasznie mi się spodobała no i bach doszły dramy i inne rzeczy xD A Twoja przygoda z Koreą? ;]
inactive user
hii :D
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