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Vico_sg, 36 y.o.
Glasgow, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 44.
inactive user
I see, that was my logic I love cinema and sound, I wanted to dftv at the RSAMD and specialise in sound.

Nope I'm just trying to get finished with this year and then next year get my degree.
I think in the summer I'll start auditioning for theatre companys so I may be acting near by soon. :)
inactive user
I seen you do sound engineering, where did/are you studying it?
It's something I've considered doing for a while now.
inactive user
Yeah, i'm never not studying :\
I don't mind it though, because I love drama. And studying is basically reading or watching plays, or learning lines.
inactive user
Hi sorry about the late reply.

Yeah biffy are amazing. I've been listening to them since I was in nappys. Ok so that's clearly not true, that would make me about 7, but they are a great band.

How are you?
inactive user
Yes, I am studying there :) In a Business School actually !
WHy Seoul ? For my studies, only for that :)
inactive user
Y podemos tambien hablar en espanol :p
inactive user
I don't really live in Albane ... So doesn't matter if you can't locate it !

I live in Rouen ( maybe you now Normandie ? because it s there)
And my parents live in Paris :D

Next year I will be in Seoul if you want to know all my program :D
inactive user
Can I believe you ? :)
inactive user
Heeeey ! You came and saw my profile without letting a message ... Did something disappointed you ? :(
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2011
oh well then it will be totally different!
and it's such a great apportunity for you! I hope it goes well!
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