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Adèle, 32 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2447.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 10, 2010
cava bien, merci. et toi?est-ce que tu sais TCF?
en Janvier je vais le faire. si je reussi, je vais aller a France pour etudier.
huuufffffttttt.... pray for me ....
inactive user
Heyyy! So so soooo sorry i've been away from here InterPals X( you remember me!?haha;P (i remember you though:3)
i wanna ask you how've you been and tell you mine but first of all,
i'm deleting this account today so if you really want to talk with me talk on there:)))
mine is--->

thanx for reading and i was so glad we could met&talked on here^^
if i'll get new account here then tell you new one;)

bye bye!
inactive user
Hey!! I was late, too, sorry :(
How are you?
But I have to study more to entire university! LOL
How about your day?

hope to hear from you! xx
inactive user
i'm so late too! sorry i was so hectic! me and my 2 friends applied to take participate in G20 Young Ambassoders. so we had to chooes 2 countries among G20 countries and find information about Green Development with the country we decided. and also managa blog.

i didn't forget you, don't and won't!

lol i guess i even let you know Korean slang, bad words haha. but please don't use that bad words to Korean's pretty rude and i become rude Korean too who let foreign people know one country's bad words!

what!!! you engaged! Congratulation♥3♥ wow am i a guest in your marriage? it must be a great joy haha. maybe am i only Asian guest? haha. sure i agree~He wants to learn Korean? haha that's superb...sure if you need any help, i'll be there! i'm so glad that your boy friend likes me~if you experience Korean night life, tell me!

though i saw your fiance many time, it'll be fun to see each other in real! well i use MSN but hopefully you should think time differences..7-hour gap righ now! so...when you log on MSN after dinner or night, it's daybreak time so i sleep...oh! you wanna see my uniform...but i donated them since i'm not a university student! i shouldn't donated themㅠㅠ
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2010
yeap! my result is All A+!!!! >.<
I'm really happy! maybe, I get a scholarship!!

Korea, here too!! and these days, it rainy season T.T
How about there? :D
Rabbit? >.<!! I hope to see her!! Mon dieu I love rabbit!!<3333
That's Really great haha! I envied you! :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2010
I hope It is So GREAT!@.@
I got a my result, it was Really great!! >.< so I'm really happy now<3333

These day, I come in G20 young ambassadors! I'm Really excited!!
How about you? :9

Your fiancé? :D

é.è <- So CUTE! >.<♥
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2010
Hey long time no see! how have you been?
oh, I see! that's ok! :D No problme!

we started summer vacation yesterday! Wow!
how about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2010
Je t'aime encore plus ma fiancée chérie ! <3
inactive user
i'll wait your answer,XD
inactive user
Hola! Como estas?
Nice to meet you, Sorry for the late reply.
Im really interesed in Japan and Korea too!
Well, have a nice day ^^
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