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Yim ji won, 32 y.o.
Daegu, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 107.
inactive user
Hi ^^ I\'m Karolina xD
You are so cute ^^ <lol>
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2007
hey!!!!!!!!i\'m anita.
how\'s going?
inactive user
Japan is a good country!
You should come here ヾ( ´¬`)ノ haha
inactive user
아 눈배렷더 =_=
inactive user
머야 내방명록에서 사키 본거지! 이따딕!
inactive user
디딘다 임지오노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노노 아힘드러 덴당
inactive user
니가 맨처음에 왜 나한테 영어썻는지 알겠다 ㅋㅋ
inactive user
hi long time no see! huh.. lost password..? too bad.. but funny.. hah.. i\'ve been a lil busy with work n study lately.. so how bout u? school has started now?
inactive user
Nice to meet you!
Thank you for message (*´σー`)
inactive user
비밀번호 하나 찾아서 아주 여기서 눌러 앉고 노네 ㅋㅋㅋ 진작에 안찾고 뭐했냐
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