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Alexandra Nicole, 30 y.o.
East Hampton, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Meeting in person
Flirting and romance


Bachelor's degree
Stony Brook University


Currently unemployed

Relationship status


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
Hola, te recibo en Dubai. Espero que te guste
inactive user
That was quite a slow reply! I get on whatsapp more, shall we talk there? I'm off till 22nd! What year you in?
I started watching breaking bad, almost done with it, got a lot of series and games to play. A lot of food and lazy left for this summer, and hopefully no scratches ;) meow
inactive user
So what goes on in your life?
inactive user
I'd bite you back. x
inactive user
You're a boring person? How'd you figure that out ? haha

Something clicked o.O Cats are a lot like men, some say. I am not a dog person. pretty scared of em :P Oh my God you know a lot about cats. so would you scratch me? ;)
inactive user
I used to be scared of cats, until I practically started living around them so much. They don't excite me :3 Will you? ;)
inactive user
oh Hi Alex, yeah I was really sleepy last night, thats why I kinda ****** up haha. Just read your profile properly now. WE like the same music! and DAMN you've lost a lot of weight! Congrats!

Oh and I don't have long hair, is that a problem? :3
inactive user
naah being Clingy is alright. It shows who is worth being clingy for ;) There's techniques to be neo-clingy :P Clingy that doesnt really direct to clingy but it is :# Oh hi whats your name?
inactive user
Being clingy is fine :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2012
I do not like these types of animals favorite dogs and birds
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